Remix the City: Conference Project Post #1 — Glitch Collage

For my conference project, I am going to make a photo collage of Heimbold loosely inspired by the style of Dada photo collaging. The aesthetic of Dada photo collaging embraces chance, accident and improvisation which are all important themes when designing a space intervention or any type of street art. I envision my photo collage as a panoramic photograph of Heimbold’s exterior, with collage components inspired by glitch art.

I am currently in the initial phases of my conference work: I have taken the panoramic shots necessary for the initial skeleton of my collage, and I have also begun glitching a few components of the photos (as seen below).

smoke sign    heimbold sign

These glitches are only the beginning of what I’m hoping to accomplish in this conference project, but it’s difficult to say what else is in store. The meat of my photo collage work will be drawn from chance and improvisation, resembling the style of Dada collaging. I plan to glitch a few more pieces before printing and beginning the actual collage.

This piece should be viewed as a visual reframe of my environment. Heimbold is a building I tend to be frustrated with frequently in regards to its aesthetic (as discussed many times in class and wordpress) and I’m hoping to express this frustration and create a new visual aesthetic through this conference work. When considering where to place my finished piece, I am still unsure. I have yet to feel inspired by a specific space in Heimbold, but I am currently keeping my eye open for a installation space. Ideally, this space would be somewhere that would also enable the viewer to compare my reframe with the original, aka outside of Heimbold.

The concept of a visual reframe that I am trying to embody through this piece can be tied to the conclusion Saskia Sassen makes in her writing regarding public interventions in massive cities. Sassen writes that “the work of design produces narratives that add to the value of existing contexts…” Although I am still unclear about exactly what my new narrative will be, I am confident that my conference work will successfully contribute a new narrative to the one already existing inside Heimbold.

Author: Abby Brecher