Tag: black & white exercises

Games from Nothing: Black & White Exercise #3 — Orbitshift

For this assignment (Amusement toy), I modified the solar system code to make it more fun to play with. The player controls the light blue circle, and based on their positioning, the center white circle increases or decreases its radius,…

Games from Nothing: Black & White Exercise #4 — Blip

Blip is the particle game that I’ve been working on. It features a  cloud of generated circles that change color based on mouseX and mouseY positions and slowly move towards the cursor’s direction while the mouse is pressed. A stream…

Games from Nothing: Black & White Exercise #3 — Spinner

For my amusement park ride I thought that the best thing to do with matrices was spinning. The push and pop matrix format worked really well for rotations, so I came up with this. The black squares on the outside…

Games from Nothing: Black and White Exercise #2 — Monster in the Village

For my second game I included a ‘monster’ and three ‘children’. The monster comes out at night and disappears in the day. At night it chases the children represented by circles and attempts to eat them. There is an element of…

Games from Nothing: Black & White Exercise #3 — Pendulum Ride

Madeline Dupre This is a fairly simple demonstration of translation and rotation. I simply used those techniques to create a very simple representation of the theme-park “pendulum” style rides. The square, line, and circle all rotate in unison, while the…

Games from Nothing: Black & White Exercise #1 — Pentagon

I had trouble deciding what I wanted to create after being given this prompt, because there were so many options. I decided to create “Pentagon,” a game in which a player used objects to move other objects. My game starts…

Games from Nothing: Black & White Exercise #2 — A Monstrous Narrative

When I first approached the prompt for this exercise, I was stumped as to how I could possibly represent all the different events of the narrative using only simple shapes and little color. After tinkering with the code for quite…

Games from Nothing: Black & White Exercise #2 — Monster Game

This is my monster game, The player is the monster which is represented with a big red circle. The player starts at the bottom of the screen and his goal is to reach the top while touching the white circles…

Games from Nothing: Black & White Exercise #1 — Up to the Circles

The game is called UP TO THE CIRCLES and the goal is to bring the square between those two circles which are doing a circular motion. On the bottom left player is able to see its score and to goal…

Games from Nothing: Black & White Exercise #1 — Fusion Reaction

Fusion Reaction is a very simple black and white game, which only uses three components. The user starts off with this screen: The user must figure out what to do to cause the titular “reaction.” Both of the squares are…

Games from Nothing: Black & White Exercise #1 — The Mystery of Frogboy

The Mystery of Frogboy is a basic bastardization of Frogger, minus a few elements. The user is a circle mapped to mouseX and mouseY, and initially begins at the bottom of the screen in landscape mode. Seven squares bounce back…

Games from Nothing: Black & White Exercise #2 — Moon Dragon

There is a village: The monster comes out at night: The monster eats moon children: This ‘game’ is really a few-second long cutscene, because despite numerous attempts, I was never completely able to get gameplay working with the cutscene, and…

Games from Nothing: Black & White Exercise #2 — Monster

Monster is a single-player game based on the idea of mixing random possibilities. The basic setting is a village where five people live: a monster who can breath fire in the night to destroy the village; a hunter who can kill…

Games from Nothing: Black & White Exercise #1 — Chasing 88/Reverse

Chasing88 (or Reverse) is a black and white game based on the idea of clockwise/counterclockwise motion. The interface is consists of four moving circles. All of them are doing clockwise circular motion at different speeds; therefore if left alone, they…

Games from Nothing: Black & White Exercise #2 — Son of Thomas

The Son of Thomas was originally based on me naming the first square that I coded, Thomas. However, as the story goes, the square coded as Thomas is actually a monster that shoots out fire that can hit the real…