Tag: Conference Post #1

Remix the City: Conference Project Post #1 — Infographic

For my conference project, I’m doing an infographic on the evolution of journalism. It’s not really a space-altering project, but because I’m going into journalism after I graduate this semester, I’m using this as a way to learn digital media…

Remix the City: Conference Project Post #1 — Brokeopoly

For one of my conference projects, I will continue with this theme of impending student loan debt by making an interactive, higher education monopoly board. I will appropriate a game board, collage it to align with themes of college, it’s national impending debt…

Remix the City: Conference Project Post #1 — Bubble Tent

For my conference project I am going to make a a tent out of bubble wrap. I want to put lights on the inside and cushions on the floor and make it a space that contrasts with the cold impersonal…

Remix the City: Conference Project Post #1 — Glitch Collage

For my conference project, I am going to make a photo collage of Heimbold loosely inspired by the style of Dada photo collaging. The aesthetic of Dada photo collaging embraces chance, accident and improvisation which are all important themes when…