Tag: state chart

Bad Guys: Object Design — Evil Bats or Relay or Light the Lamps

The evil bats in Light the Lamps have three states: moving, attacking, and frozen. The bats start the game moving randomly around the screen – their “moving” state is their default state. They transition into their attack phase – which…

Bad Guys: Object Design

The goal of my particle game’s bad guy was to have him be harder to defeat as you started to defeat him. So in these photos I have my bad guy stages, as well as a couple different screens that…

Bad Guys: Object Design

The enemy showcases three distinct states – dodging, advancing, and recharging. When it is not doing one of these three, its “idle” state is steadily moving back and forth and firing shots at a rhythmic pace. The enemy’s total health…

Bad Guys: Object Design — Rabid Squirrels

Our squirrels have three different phases of difficulty within the game: basic, acorn, and mega. At first we thought that this might make our behavioral chart intricate and complicated, until we realized that the squirrels have the same underlying pattern…