The original idea behind the cart coaster was to have four blocks moving after each other on a set track. and then on a click they would make a loop. however I ran into a few problems. I could get the loop to run but then they wouldn’t continue on their track. Or they would stay on their track and not loop. I ended up toying with the idea of the loop being constant while having the carts always rotate. This took away from the interactivity but made the experience more visually pleasing.
Abstract Video
Art from Code
Art from Trash
Bad Guys
Conceptual Art
Contemporary Curation
Cultural HiJack
Digital Tools for Artists
Drawing Machines
Games from Nothing
Game Studio
I Expect You to Die
Interactive Art
Interactive Story
Level Design
Mapping the Invisible
New Genres
Nonlinear Narrative
Paranoia as a System
Playable Buildings
Projector Night
Radical Game Design
Remix the City
Supernova (The Party)
Systems Aesthetics
The Interactive City
Urban Installation