Games from Nothing: Conference Project Post #1 — Standoff

When we were on “Race to the End” earlier this semester, I’ve made a game called standoff. It was a pretty good game overall (I think it was the best thing I’ve accomplished so far) but I thought I could make it better.

Honestly it wasn’t enough of a time for what I could have done and besides that I heard some really good feed backs about it which motivated me to work on it again. I was also told from my classmates that I could make it better if I made some changes. All these reasons made me want to work with standoff again.


First off I think game like standoff shouldn’t be just black and white therefore I decided to add color. Secondly when I presented standoff during my conference I could not make it run on a tablet, so the goal is to fix that of course and make it a proper tablet game with needed additions.

One of the suggestions from my classmates was I should add something that shows the cop is shooting (either a bullet or a line) so I think I will try to add it to the new version as well.


The main goal is to make standoff a better game. It might end up being quite different but I think it will be overall a better game. If I can I honestly would like to put it on the store.

Author: Ege Ozcan