When I was coming up with what I wanted my final project to be I thought about a watching a tree go through all the seasons like a montage from a movie. Specifically I had come up with the idea for this project after watching Notting Hill for the first time and seeing the montage through the seasons.
The ecosystem starts with spring and rain that causes the leaves to grow. It then transitions to summer and then fall. The leaves change color and fall. When the leaves fall the ground changes color and reveals a squirrel and bird in the tree who then leave the tree before winter. When it becomes winter it starts to snow and the ground changes color again. And then just like the seasons it becomes spring again.
I’m really proud of how this code shows how much I learned over the semester. When I was coming up with what I wanted to do for my final project I knew I wanted to have a clear picture of something, so I practiced being able to create images over the course of the semester and it’s cool to see how much better I got at it.