Interactive City: Emotion Catcher Proposal

IMG_3434For project #2, I will create an interactive analog experience for the user. In class, we discussed the ability to catch, trap, or preserve things that normally could not be contained. My project, Emotion Catcher, will consist of 3 jars, each one filled with a different emotion. When the user approaches the jar and touches the metal lid, that jar will light up. As a result, that person will then be connected to that emotion, making it more prominent within them. My project is meant to create a sort or “refueling” station for those who need a little extra boost of a certain emotion.

I think that this project will create a very exciting experience. Being able to create a direct interface between the user and the emotion catcher will allow the interactivity to be meaningful as well as fun.

Birds eye view

There will be three closed jars mounted on to a podium. Each jar will be filled with different colored marbles, that way when the lid is touched, they will light up with different colors. The color is meant to represent the different emotions. The emotions will be: Relaxation, Happiness, and Creativity. Relaxation will have blue marbles, happiness will have yellow marbles, and creativity will have green marbles.

Author: Sophia Koolik