Remix the City: Questions of Space

Is space a quantifiable thing, or simply a human construction? If it is an idea developed by people, do all people conceive of space in the same way?

Even within a single individual is the definition of space malleable? For instance, is space contained in, or between, buildings or objects, or do all things exist in a single expanse of space, or can it sometimes mean one and other times the other?

Why does the human understanding of space organize  what we perceive to be different spaces into those that are aesthetically pleasing and those which are not?

Within that, what makes certain spaces exclusive and others inclusive? How our society’s perception of space different than its perception of nature?

In this context, are cities constructions designed to organize and tame space, in the same way that they separate society from nature?

In that sense is outer space just space that is uninterrupted by human intervention?

In cultures which have not created a nature-culture divide, is space constructed in the same way?


I think this image is an interesting visual representation of the idea of organized vs disorganized/open space and social space vs natural space.

Author: Mariko Kamiya