Tag: space

Remix the City: SpaceHiJack — Let’s Play Together

My box project focused primarily on the creation of an event. The event was up to the participants discretion. I simply provided the small and self referential gear in a specific location. People could wear, hit, stomp, or take any…

Remix the City: Conference Project Post #2 — Valuation Exercise

Since starting my conference I have seen a need to shift towards a new idea. Originally, I was thinking about commodity and personal agency over one’s art, however I struggled to find a productive goal for the project which I…

Remix the City: Conference Project Post #1 — Do You Control Space?

For our (Grace and Mathilde) conference project, we want to make a sticker story, explaining what Remix The City is, and the notions of space. The notions of space as in how we interact with it and how it impacts…

Remix the City: Comment — David Finklestein Improv Session

  Today the class got a visit from performer/director David Finkelstein of the Lake Ivan Performance Group. We viewed David’s experimental film “Invincible City” — then  learned a bit about the techniques of using space, the picture plane, and an…

Remix the City: Questions of Space

Are we extensions of our space? Could space be an individual’s mental and physical exchange with the environment? (Like a rhizome, or a Spinozian metabolic rhythm?) Can space take a form or is it free flowing and ambiguous? If not positive…