Remix the City: Conference Project Post #2 — Valuation Exercise

Proposed Space 1
Proposed Space 1

Current Center

Since starting my conference I have seen a need to shift towards a new idea. Originally, I was thinking about commodity and personal agency over one’s art, however I struggled to find a productive goal for the project which I had proposed.

In my conference I want to address the need to question artistic intentions and thought processes; while also interrupt the flow of Heimbold in a propaganda based approach.

My project is a pamphlet detailing a theoretical group, The Collective Interview Initiative (CII). I want to create a fictional landscape and narrative, in Heimbold, through both text and imagery, using a this fabricated institution as a means of  branding my ideas under a pseudo-legitimate front; with the intention of shaping the way in which people both perceive and value their artistic experiences and methods of production:

CII, sees the strength of conversation as only matched by an individuals ability to create in the physical realm. The pedagogy which is promoted by the collective, is meant to bridge the gap between conversations of: nature of physical creation, crossing over into creation of fictional realms, reality television, gender, politics, and economics.

The pamphlet will also detail the tasks and roles CII members will fill and how they relate to methods of thinking and producing which I have deemed as beneficial.

The goal of CII is to breakdown the commodification of communication and production through the individualisation of products and spaces and the autonomy of the producers.

I see this project as being highly related to Sassen’s reading of new urban conditions in ,”Making Public Interventions in Today’s Massive Cities”.  This project acts to critique weaponized urban spaces, by providing a retreat for thinking about new conditions in education and production.

The project itself proposes a world where people can shape the space they live in on a small temporal scale, allowing one to transform the possibilities of producing, not only art, but also physical and spacial conditions, through both conversation and production:

The physical manifestation of the Initiative is reinvented on a bi-annual basis. So far our two iterations which have been created thus far are born out of the dreams of our archivists, who manifest a rendering, which is then produced during the last two months of the second year of habitation.

The unsettlements Sassen discusses, and the monumentalization, which has caused them in urban space, directly relates to the way in which I intend my project to question the spaces in which one thinks and produces. I intend for it to show how as individuals we should never allow for a space to remain stagnant in our thoughts or vacant of personal politicization. Space is inherently political and therefore requires revaluation on a regular basis, even on a small and personal scale.

The goal of this initiative is not to create stagnant movements but to remain in flux between the minutiae of craft and creation, and the complex and abstract nature of charged conversation.

Forming new topographies is a major focus of the project I am proposing. The ideas of digital networks and connections, is played out through the intense focus on the creation of real human interaction and the digital analysis upon which CII relies upon:

Author: S. B. Bloom