Blackspace: lttl mtch grl

I re-performed my analog system from earlier in the semester, lttl mtch grl.

The system had view to no revision with it. The only major change was adding matches to be lit in order to keep track of time. The performances went incredibly well overall. Each time I was able to get my audience to comfortably take part in a psychodrama-lite system.

Things I learned:

  • People want happy endings. The piece is meditational in many ways, so people want the sense of comfort to finish the piece. Although that is how the story itself functioned (the Little Match Girl has a happy ending), I did not find it satisfying. In more experiments I will explore this.
  • The movement space was much smaller, allowing a cramped feeling to appear and create more impact.
  • Generally, people feel weirdly nice about it, as if they awoke from a nice dream during a nap.
Author: Robert Marcus