Tag: repetition
Systems Aesthetics: A Later System – Noise Pools
My inspiration for this system came from what we’ve explored in class with noise. I enjoy the random, unexpected effects and interactions that can occur with with noise. I wanted to modify my code to emphasize the movement and changes…
Systems Aesthetics: A Later System: Paper Unbound
The idea of repetition as a stylistic technique has been popular throughout art history in order to convey things with a unified focus in multiple ways. Repetition as a concept is abstract and applicable to a plethora of artistic styles….
Systems Aesthetics: A Later System – con rồng cháu tiên
For this studio prompt, I used de Byl’s noise practical lab as a departure point. I took the lab and converted the code into a class, abstracting the color range, distance between lines, width, movement rate, and subtlety of noise….
a later system: Stars in the Galaxy
What I wanted to achieve with this system was initially, a better understanding of patterns – specifically the creation of a pattern. It was hard for me to understand the points of a pattern and having to figure out where…
Systems Aesthetics: A Later System- ‘harder soft or softer hard’
This studio exercise was an instance where the revision process helped me understand the concept much more deeply. Initially, I built upon check_in 12, where I used curved fractal shapes to randomly place onto the canvas, in order to create…
System Aesthetics: A later system – Reappearance by Chance
To create this system, I was inspired by the reading we had on Chance Imagery by George Brecht. Brecht talks about the word ‘chance’. He claims that ‘the word chance can conveniently be taken to mean that the cause or…