Art From Code: A Response to Georg Nees

Nees Study Version 1

For the first version of this assignment I began with a single circle which then loop into randomness. It transitions from order to disorder. I did this by creating a number of integers and variables to define columns, rows, cell size and padding, as well as the increments of randomness. I looped the y (rows) first then the x (columns), and pushed the matrix within that loop which was then translated twice. Aesthetically, this image is very appealing to me because it begins with a single circle and builds from there. It is also interesting to me how it loops in that angle towards the bottom right.

For the second version of this assignment I started with Nees’ grid work, which I basically turned sideways and made them into circles. I used the same parameters as before (columns, rows, randomness), but to loop the grid sideways I looped the x (columns) first and the y (rows) second, pushed the matrix, and translated the x and y in such a way that the x loops on but the y is randomized. It’s interesting to note the difference in direction from order to disorder. Instead of your eye moving downwards its moving to the right, does this create an alternative effect or is it generally the same?

The last version I decided to add more chaos and change the clean circles into random shapes. I used the same method as the second version, but substituted the circles for shapes whose angles were determined by randomness. It definitely doesn’t give the same effect as Nees’ complete order to disorder, it’s mostly just disorder.

Author: SD Diamond