Level Design: The Ship of Theseus

Theseus was an Athenian legendary king. In his youth, he was very brave and slew the child-eating humanoid monster Minotaur, by taking a ship in disguise with children who were going to be eaten by the notorious Minotaur in the Maze. The ship he was taking become famous among many Philosophers as the well-known dilemma called by the uncreative name “the ship of Theseus,” and its detail is known as such: The Ship which Theseus took was preserved many years after Theseus’ adventure, but because of aging materials the ship has to be constantly rebuilt, and thus through a period of time every original part of the ship would be replaced by some new material, and if so would the ship be the same ship which took by Theseus.
My game is obviously about that famous ship and also the dilemma. It is a collection game, but the collection does not lead to victory it can also lead to failure. In order for the ship to pass the stage, the ship has to constantly intentionally construct and deconstruct itself for it to pass through the struggles, like rocks, bridges, and inhospitable creatures. Sometimes the open area is too large for the ship pass, and in this case, the ship has to deconstruct itself to pass the stage, or sometimes there are just too many rocks ahead that are impossible to avoid them all, the ship has to construct itself resilient enough to overcome all of them to avoid the miserable fate.

There are currently three stages of transformation. By collecting different types of collectibles the ship will change in different ways. For example, if the ship collected the long wooden stick it will gain a sail and the sail with increasing the ship’s speed in one direction. If not controlled carefully it will make your ship hit some harmful target. And also with a sail, it will disable the ship’s ability to pass through narrow exist if there are no harmful collectibles on the map the ship is stuck in the position forever. Other types of collectibles’ effects on the ship are still in progress.

Transformation I
Transformation II
Transformation III
Background Music
Author: Martin Ji