An artist that has inspired me is Patakk. Their work is geometric and tends to shift between different shapes. I like the simplicity of the gifs and how they move. Patakk uses many simple color schemes which I think are great.
My plan for this project was to change the colors of my patterns and to add some effects to them as well. I like the disrupted look that the effect “shift” has on the gif. I like the colors I chose to use in my gifs, and I like how I went about changing the colors. While making the gifs I just went with what I thought looked good, and that’s where my colors came from. Overall, I’m happy with how my gifs turned out. I think they look great. I prefer the ones I made with Gimp rather than the ones I made with Processing. I think that the ones made with Gimp just have more interest to them than the ones I coded. I think that if I had added more color variety to the coded ones then they could have been better.