Tag: visual hijack

Cultural Hijack: The Pedestal of Oppression

by Isiah Powell Taylor This project was most likely the hardest to complete for me personally. At first I think I was afraid of the stronger ideas I had concerning the project. However, as time went on I think I…

Cultural HiJack: A Persona HiJack

Daly McGrath Several months before the start of the 2019 Fall Semester, I came across an account on Instagram featuring a person named Miquela Sousa, under the username @lilmiquela. Initially, she seemed to be just another Instagram influencer who posted…

Cultural HiJack: Survey HiJack

Project by Avery and Daly Our survey was based around the concept of Fall formal being replaced by team building night for future years to promote a stronger community on campus, and to compliment the rebranding of Sarah Lawrence College….

Cultural HiJack HiJack: This Ad is ‘Gender Neutral’

For my cultural hijack, I did a google search using the term ‘gender fluid ads’. What appeared was not surprising, but still disappointing. I mostly saw mostly tall waif models in loose-fitting clothes who only vaguely resembled the wide array…

Cultural HiJack: Nike profits from your identity

The inspiration for this hijack came from seeing the use of LGBTQ+ specific advertising during Pride month for companies to attract a market of individuals who have been marginalized because of their gender and sexuality. Nike in particular, who has…

Cultural HiJack: Campus Dealer

For this assignment, I set out to find images I found oppressive. Spending the summer at home in Los Angeles, I saw a lot of billboards and advertising for various weed companies. This particular ad irked me: It bothered me…

Cultural HiJack: BAN! — Conspiracy in the Age of “Free Speech”

Statement: A visual hijack is when an artist uses the visual strategies of an oppressive image, or target, to re-establish new ideas that are counter or detrimental to the system that the oppressive image upholds. Part 1: Setup Choosing Target…

Cultural HiJack: What I Learned From my Failed Kekistan Hijack

For my hijack i attempted to subvert the 4chan meme, the Kekistan flag. The history of the meme can be found here (http://bit.ly/2xCg1Tg), but why I chose it as my target was because it used by contemporary white supremacist and…

Cultural HiJack: A Previously Invisible Lesbian Calendar

For my visual hijack I hijacked typical heteronormative pictures from the 50’s-70’s and made them queer by replacing the straight couples with lesbian couples. I choose pictures from these time periods that I thought encapsulated the time frame best. I…

Cultural HiJack: It’s A Match! – Hijacking the Romanticization of Ideologies

A meme was the best source to visually hijack for me. In Daniel Dennett’s Memes and the Exploitation of Imagination, he writes that “in a struggle for attention, the best ideas win, according to the principle of the survival of…