Mapping the Invisible: Site Specific — Visionaries

We are imagining our psychogeographic figure as a series of triangular and rectangular prisms, constructed from welded steel rods. We will connect these prisms so as to form a chain across the grass. We will then selectively “fill” the sides of the prisms with an assortment of materials, including (but not limited to) tinted, semitransparent plastic, mirror, glass, and found materials such as yarn and plastic bags, so as to complicate the spatial perception of the spectator, and to create a series of space altered by the materials’ reactions with light. Some of the prisms’ sides will remain open to the elements, and will allow for spectators to enter the structure at many points, moving through according to their own spatial and visual sense. We are using this figure in order to create a playful, interactive structure much like a maze. The width (~ 3′ each) and height (~ 7′ each) of each prism will allow for any and all spectators to move through the “cells” and have their own unique experience within the structure.

We are responding to our site in many ways. The site is a shaded patch of grass, adjacent to the stone-floored sitting area by Marshall Field. It is nondescript, enclosed only by low stone borders and lacking any real signs of use. We’ve chosen to build a piece that opens avenues for both physical and visual interaction. It can also serve as a sanctuary, in the case that a spectator finds a “cell” with a covered “ceiling”, and decides to rest or read with the soft, grass-covered ground as their floor.

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Author: Aaron Lindenberg