Art from Code: Distortion Post-Mortem

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What I have finally made are shapes that change.  I played around with different shapes using a call to ellipse and to curveVertex.  I used color, height, noise, and width to change the shapes.  Some pieces changed over time because I was not happy with how they looked.  I wanted more change in certain pieces, so I changed those to reflect that.  In some pieces, I liked how the vertex drawings changed, but the vertex drawings also kept increasing in size as well.  I couldn’t control how the vertex drawings grew over time.  I like how most of my pieces came out.  I like the colors I used for my Pastel drawing.  At first, getting shapes to change was difficult and I couldn’t figure out how to do it, but after messing with the code, I managed to change the shapes.  From there, getting shapes to change was easier.  Overall, I think I managed my time well, although I could have finished my last piece sooner.  I think my pieces turned out well.  I think I was able to show my vision for my project well.

My projects were coded with active mode to bring the shapes to life.  I used variables for conditionals, and to make certain coding easier.  A lot of my pieces have similar color schemes, but in a few I experimented with color more; I used pastel colors and more contrasting colors for a few.  All of my pieces are animated so that they move and add on through time.  I used loops to make my pieces change and to create the vertex drawings.  Noise creates the shapes in curveVertex.  In one of my pieces, I used 3 dimensions to change the shape of the curveVertex.

Author: Meghan Sever