Art from Code: A Walk through the Woodway

Imagine you are on your way to see a revolutionary show. You are not quite sure what exactly will happen or who will be there but you are certain that a quality experience is destined to occur. You arrive at…

Conceptual Art: Form Progression

Conceptual Art–Form-FinalConfProgression/ YouLookLikeMyDeadFriend or MakingSomethingOutOfSomethingThatWantsToBeNothing or: a whole thesis on a process in likely more detail than was requested I’ve spent a lot of time over the past…four years? Honestly, I don’t ever remember how long it’s been, because she’s…

Art From Code: The Way Home

My conference project is titled “The Way Home”. I intentionally did not want to just title it “Home”, even though it might seem like the end where the character arrives home is the most important part. To me, the process…

Art From Code: Adventures with Holger Lippmann

Classically trained as a painter and sculpture, Holger Lippmann became enthralled with generative art, and it soon became indispensable to him. In 2007 he “started seriously working with processing.” It had opened him up to a whole new world.  Now,…

Art From Code: Oil and Lavender

For my conference project, I wanted to explore the feeling of being in a car during a long road trip. This concept may seem simple enough, yet through the creation of this project I discovered how complex the idea became. …

Conceptual Art: We Could Be Anyone

The beginning of this conference project started much as many of my other conceptual art pieces had begun: I looked around to figure out what I had to work with. In other pieces, this process manifested in a much more…

Conceptual Art: Finding a Form

The assignment to “find evidence” began as most things in life probably do; confusion. Rather than finding a specific process to try and complete this task, I instead searched for meaning in the topic itself. Assuming I would need to…

Art from Code: My Life in Quarantine: A Graphic Novel

For my conference project, I wanted to create an interactive comic book based on the manga I brought with me to college. At first, I wasn’t sure what I wanted my comic book to be about. I had the opportunity…

Conceptual Art: OKAYNESS

My conference project, titled “OKAYNESS,” has evolved conceptually quite a bit since I started working on it. When I first proposed the project, I had a lot of different ideas about what specifically I wanted to come across in the…

Art from Code: Conference Project-Supersonic eye

To be rather frank, I went into this project not knowing what I want to do. I knew I’d like to experiment with something new (be it code syntax, shapes, colors or effects), but coming up with a concept that…

Art From Code: Jumping Johnny

When the conference project was first assigned, I knew I wanted to create some form of a side scrolling game. As I began to work on this project, I was fortunate enough to find a drawing program that I could…

Art From Code: Collage

When a collage was assigned to our class, I remember being very excited to create something abstract with deep meaning. This past summer, I enrolled in an art class offered by the college called Material Abstractions. Throughout the class, we…

Conceptual Art: Conference Project

My conference project this semester really began with a simple desire: to make a secret society as a conceptual art piece. I’ve always been fascinated with secret societies. Something about the ritual of it all—the handshakes, the codewords, the dress—has…

Art From Code: Early Experiments

When we were first given the prompt for this project, I knew I wanted to create some alien/insect like figure. I wasn’t too sure how I was going to create it, but I ended up just getting started anyways. My…

Art from Code: Miami Beach Coaster Club

A look inside my evolving project As I pursue computer science, I am interested to see what directions I can go in with coding. My first idea for my conference project was to build a bouncing jelly bean simulator. You…

Hack & Glitch

Generative art with Processing – Jin

Hack & Glitch

— Max

Heart Space: 2D Meets 3D

Covid-19 had drastically altered the presence of visual and studios arts. For one, it’s in the name: visual and studio arts. It’s meant to be seen by eyes, heard by ears, experienced by bodies, and even sometimes felt by fingers….

Art from Code: Class Response to Grace Hertlein

For our last assignment of the semester, we were inspired by Grace Hertlein, a computer artist who uses nature as a source of creativity. To recreate similar art, we used the Perlin noise function. This is similar to using the…

Art from Code: Conference Project

Culminating in hours and hours of work and a final project I can be proud of, this is my final project. This project began as a side scroller, that needed opposing motion. To complete that particular check-in for our Art…