Tag: drawing machines

Drawing Machines: Paper Hand

The final form of this project is a hand that can maneuver similarly to an anatomical hand. The hand is made of paper that is rolled into cylinders to make parts of the fingers. The movement of the hand is…

Drawing Machines: Birthday Candles

I created a pendulum ink dropper that creates pieces by distributing ink across the page by swinging back and forth. It features a pendulum cup mechanic that is filled with ink and distributes that ink while swinging through a metal…

Drawing Machines: What Can We Find on a Night Walk in the Woods?

The culmination of my conference work for this class is a twelve-image series titled “What can we find on a night walk in the woods?” I explore curiosity, discovery, wonder, and the senses through the setting of a night walk…

Drawing Machines: Media Distortion

This work is a series of four printed collages. Each is unique in subject matter, but they are all primarily made from images found in National Graphical magazines that have been composited through a digital scanner and digital image editing….

Drawing Machines: Zoetrope Reimagined

In creating my conference project, I went through so many failed experiments and confusing trials. It wanted my project to both look good and work well as a machine and it was much easier said than done. As someone who…

Drawing Machines: Found Machine

For my found machine project, I chose to use a large drill that I found in my garage. Throughout the course, I have been experimenting with rotational motion and wanted to continue with this trend by focusing on the drill’s…

Drawing Machines: the ether

My conference project began with wanting to make a piece of art that was meant to be experienced with your eyes closed. I wanted to send light through patterned cut outs that would make shadows on people eye lids. I…

Drawing Machines: Found Machine

“You begin with the possibilities of the material.” –Robert Rauschenberg Growing up, special occasions were always met with balloons. My grade school birthdays were always some wild combination of colored balloons bouncing around and streamers tearing away from their taped…

Drawing Machines: Found Machine

My found machine was a coffee urn. I began the process by taking the machine apart. Initial ideas about about what property I wanted to use in the machine was heat, and steam, from the coils that are layered between…

Drawing Machines: Scanner Camera

It was immediately clear to me the day I got my hands on an entry level Epson flatbed scanner that it was going to present a sort of new working method in which I was very interested. You immediately understood…

Drawing Machines: Early Experiments

To begin with, I agree that there is an “art of machines”. It is a really modern art type that cooperates with advanced technologies. There are different philosophies about machine art. There are two mainstream perspectives. On one hand, machine…

Drawing Machines: Early Experiments

Glitch art is the practice of using digital or analog errors for aesthetic purposes by either corrupting digital data. One of my very first experiments under drawing machines was with glitch art. At first, the small changes I made didn’t seem…

Drawing Machines: Early Experiments

This was the first piece I created in Drawing Machines that I truly resonated with. Created from old photo strips, playing cards, and my nearly untouched sketchbook, this piece was a true frankenstein creation of materials. I remember staring at…

Drawing Machines: Early Experiments

My first experience with drawing machines was glitch art. At first I slowly made small changes, observing and then reacting to them as a way of learning. I found that this approach was too boring and tedious. I was not…

Drawing Machines: Vision Machine

For my Vision Machine project I chose to create a stereographic viewer, that when used can simulate a three dimensional image in two dimensions.  I chose this, because I felt that given the materials that I could chose from it…

Drawing Machines: Vision Machine

For my vision machine, I made a very basic zoetrope. With the long paper strip that has cut slits to provide the interrupted images to created the illusion of seamless motion. The strip is about 30 frames long, each about…

Drawing Machines: Conference Post-Mortem

This semester I have chosen to expand on my experimentation with weaving through another handmade loom. I intend to explore the realm of textile and fiber art through a simple frame loom constructed out of bamboo bark. The base structure…

Drawing Machines: Nest

I am going to construct a hanging, nest-like installation made of found branches, sticks, ivy, and dried flowers. I will hang vine charcoal from the branches, using a pendulum-like motion to create a drawing on a piece of newsprint that…