Tag: new genres
Drawing Machines: Birthday Candles
I created a pendulum ink dropper that creates pieces by distributing ink across the page by swinging back and forth. It features a pendulum cup mechanic that is filled with ink and distributes that ink while swinging through a metal…
Drawing Machines: Media Distortion
This work is a series of four printed collages. Each is unique in subject matter, but they are all primarily made from images found in National Graphical magazines that have been composited through a digital scanner and digital image editing….
Paranoia as a System: The Entire Circus
To truly make sense of the clown incursion of 2016, a conventional view simply wouldn’t do. Articles, diagrams, even maps of the Unites States of America and the UK showing everywhere a clown sighting occurred don’t tell the whole story….
Conceptual Art: We’re all out 2020
I first began to flirt with push-pin art at the end of last school year when, bored between classes, I decorated a pub cup with push-pins taken from the room’s jar. In every room in Heimbold, there are push-pins dumped…
Conceptual Art: We Could Be Anyone
The beginning of this conference project started much as many of my other conceptual art pieces had begun: I looked around to figure out what I had to work with. In other pieces, this process manifested in a much more…
New Genres: The Infinite Box of Things
For my last project in Interactive Art, I ended up creating a house of nostalgia. The installation consisted of a cardboard box house, spray painted with a multitude of colors, filled with miscellanious toys and items from my childhood. Behind…
New Genres: Supernova Otherworldly Translation
When I started in New Genres, I was determined to make a game. My original idea was to create a visually simplistic, text-based narrative that the user would progress through by answering questions. After reading “Strategies of Interactive Art” by…
New Genres: Supernova Augmented Reality
I learned about augment reality in our first class this semester, by using the HP Reveal app. At first I was very frustrated trying to figure out the app but amazed by augmented reality and that elementary children use the…
New Genres: Biliopii, Demeter, and Dr. Prudence
The original beginning for this project was that Jennifer Morris is essentially a hoarder and had been collecting toilet paper rolls for the entirety of the first semester this year. After she announced that she was just going…
New Genres: Community Blanket
The original inspiration for this project was that our housemates often spend evenings knitting together, talking and watching television. We both love knitting, finding it to be relaxing and a nice activity to do with our hands as we socialize….
New Genres: Gumball Processing
For my second piece this semester, I wanted to have fun. According to my therapist and mother, I am autistic. Because of this, I process many things differently from someone who is not on the Autistic Spectrum. I am also a…
New Genres: Supernova
When we began planning the art party, I had no idea what it would look like, or even really what making it would entail. But I dove headfirst into brainstorming it, beginning with the theme, which proved to be a…
[New Genres] Daydream Simulator 5000
This project went through many iterations before it took the form that I presented at open studios on Tuesday. I knew I wanted to experiment with sound and the placement of sound in space, and I knew I wanted to…
Cultural HiJack: BAN! — Conspiracy in the Age of “Free Speech”
Statement: A visual hijack is when an artist uses the visual strategies of an oppressive image, or target, to re-establish new ideas that are counter or detrimental to the system that the oppressive image upholds. Part 1: Setup Choosing Target…
Cultural HiJack: What I Learned From my Failed Kekistan Hijack
For my hijack i attempted to subvert the 4chan meme, the Kekistan flag. The history of the meme can be found here (, but why I chose it as my target was because it used by contemporary white supremacist and…
Cultural HiJack: It’s A Match! – Hijacking the Romanticization of Ideologies
A meme was the best source to visually hijack for me. In Daniel Dennett’s Memes and the Exploitation of Imagination, he writes that “in a struggle for attention, the best ideas win, according to the principle of the survival of…