Tag: Conference Post #3
Mapping the Invisible: Conference Project — Net Migration of the World
Detailed look: This map I made was basically a idea of showing net total of migrants during the period 1980-2014. The net total of migrants is the total number of immigrants deduct the annual number of emigrants, including citizens and…
Mapping the Invisible: Conference Project — Mapping My Freelance Network in Media Production
For my conference, I created a visual representation of my own network in freelance film production. I traced the outlines of Brooklyn and Manhattan to show where these films/commericals were produced, and I aligned them in chronological order (going clockwise),…
Mapping the Invisible: Conference — Manderley Map
My conference project slowly seemed to design itself, as it became layered with meaning and markings over the time. I was always fairly confident that I wanted the project to be framed around the book Rebecca- the book is written…
Mapping the Invisible: Conference Project — Graffiti Conversations @ SLC
My conference project took a few turns as I searched for written messages to map throughout the SLC Campus. I took pictures of most of the campus, and found that the places with the most graffiti were either bathroom stalls, or…
Games from Nothing: Post-Mortem — Euclid’s Dream
Postmortem. Overall I was very happy with how the game turned out. I was pretty lacking in ideas initially but rethinking the design elements was very helpful in conceptualizing the game. By having a clear idea I was then…
Games from Nothing: Post-Mortem — Come and Play
After working out the various bugs of my previous version of Come and Play, I have the final version of Come and Play. The title screen: The Monster got a bit of a redesign: (the central eye worked better with…
Games from Nothing: Post-Mortem — Bug Spotter
The process of coding Bug Spotter was both substantially easier and substantially more difficult than I had originally envisioned. After a laborious design process, I was easily able to code the proper behaviors for the spot-hungry lady bug, the bee…
Games from Nothing: Post-Mortem — Neon Rush
Despite the fact this class doesn’t use the traditional conference formula Neon Rush has been closer to the regular conference projects. Going all the way back to the beginning of the semester is when the design process started from chameleon….
Games from Nothing: Post-Mortem — Attendance
Looking back at Attendance I really enjoyed working on it, both for hider seeker and for conference. I started out with a pretty cool mechanic in the vehicles stopping at certain points, but our original idea of a police chase…
Games from Nothing: Post-Mortem — Standoff
The game is done. This is the newest edition of Standoff. It’s a pretty easy game to play that involves basic mechanics. The player is the cop aka triangle at the bottom of the screen, there is the vigilante aka…
Remix the City: Conference Project — 100% YC Labels
My conference project is a series of sticker labels. My idea came from the clothing label. For my project, I made stickers for chairs, staircase handles, water fountains, plants and glass windows and doors in heimbold. I am also making…
Remix the City: Conference Post #3
This is my completed infographic; it’s meant to look like a news site/app within an ipad screen. One of my concerns with this project was that it would end up looking too text-heavy, and I wouldn’t succeed with the data…
Games from Nothing: Post-Mortem — Bokeh
Unfortunately, I had no idea how to program the behaviors that were the crux of the games I wanted to create. I started out by looking for different ways to program creating a line. The first way to do it…
Games from Nothing: Post-Mortem — Airship
Coding this game was quite a journey. At points in time, I spent 1 to 2 hours dissecting if() statements to fix bugs or things that I didn’t like about the game. The collision was rudimentary and barely worked at…
Games from Nothing: Post-Mortem — Space Crisis
This was a fun experiment. Most everything I set out to do is done. A few things didn’t work out, due to the fact that I dug myself into a design-hole early on and that I barely know how to…
Games from Nothing: Post-Mortem — Eclipse
In the end I kind of ran with my “moar colors, moar circles” idea. I even added the abilities for the roamer to become bigger based on timing and for the player to become one of the older circles when he/she…
Games from Nothing: Post-Mortem — Particle Synth
Unfortunately I have been unable to get my project to work outside of Java; however, I did manage to create a synthesizer that I am actually happy with and think could be used to improvise or compose some electronic music….
Games from Nothing: Post-Mortem — A Cup of Rain
In the making of “A Cup of Rain,” I have run into several technical challenges. The first was creating the collision effect among raindrops. Since these rain drops are called from an ArrayList, I did not know their specific coordinates to…
Games from Nothing: Post-Mortem — Attendance
During our playtest we found that our game was for the most part a success. We had one downfall from the playtest and that was to some the game felt a bit stupid a novelty. Isaac and I got together…
Remix the City: Conference Project: Bubble Tent
In looking at the successes and failures of my implementation of my conference project, I wish I had been able to make a model/draft of it before installing it. The biggest problem I ran into was that I had not…